Robotik Kodlama

Robotik Kodlama
Ana Sayfa


21 Şubat 2021 Pazar

Drawing Plotter with Arduino

 Gcode Controlled Drawing Plotter with Arduino

Drawing Plotter

Arduino Plotter

Pen Plotter 

CNC Plotter

DIY Plotter 

Homemade Plotter 

GRBL Plotter 

Gcode plotter

Hello to Everyone,

I want to do a pen plotter. There are many plotter systems. I am doing it, the system that uses the belt.

GRBL and Arduino CNC Machine Working Principle Overview

The main parts I use for this are Arduino UNO R3 and CNC Shield, A4988 Step Motor Driver.

My assembly parts list

1 x Arduino UNO R3

1 x USB Printer Cable 3 meter

1 x CNC Shield

3 x A4988 Stepper Motor Driver

2 x NEMA 17 Stepper Motor (For XY Axes)

1 x 28BYJ-48 5volt Stepper Motor (For up / down Pen Holder)

1 x 28BYJ-48 Driver board ULN2003 Chipset

1 x Bright White Led and 100 Ohm resistor for Pen Holder Light for the Draw on the A4 Paper

1 x Cabels for Arduino and Boards

4 or 6 x Limit Switch for Horning settings

For Download Arduino Uno Driver Software

I used the Inkscape version 0.47.

The extension Unicorn Gcode we will add to this program may not work with different versions.

PDF file download address describing GRBL Codes;

28BYJ-48 5 volt Stepper Motor Specifications

Gcode Inkscape Extention

Gcode Universal Sender

GRBL Arduino Uno files

I used to upload this file to Arduino GRBL   v1.1h (2019-08-25) Release

sample gcode files

photos, files and details of this work you can reach from this link

I did not specify; Plotter connection and circuit diagram especially.

There is a CNC Shield on the Arduino board and 3 A4988 motor controllers.

I positioned the 28BYJ-48 Small step motor driver and its circuit to the pen holder motor output. Because the CNC Shield is controlled by 12 volts, the Z-axis A4988 driver can cause some small motors to overheat. 28BYJ-48 motor driver circuit extra has two reasons. Because 28BYJ-48 Small stepper motor works with 5 volts.

The second reason is not to cut the stepper motor socket.

I tried 3 different pen holders.

Test 1

when it runs too much with a very small stepper motor

it gets very hot.

It must be used with a limit switch.

That's why I gave up.

Test 2

I used a spring pen.

But this system is also difficult to adjust.

and in some fast projects this system can be slow.

Test 3 is the last system I decided on

You can adjust the step and speed of the stepper motor as you wish.

And it works very efficiently.

Since I use the 28BYJ48 5 volt step motor driver circuit, no

It does not heat up, it works very efficiently.

There are 4 Homing switchs. You can also use them disabled.Or by adjusting the settings.Socket locations on CNC Shield for Homings Switches are clear.Also show you in the photos.I used the output on the 3.3 volt CNC Shield for the Pen Holder Drawing Page lighting led.Also CNC Shield for 28BYJ-48 Small step motor driver board I used the 5 volt outlet on it.

What You Should Do In Order;

1. Install the Arduino software on your computer

2. Open the GRBL software v1.1h file and upload it to the arduino to the hardware part.

3. After installing the GRBL software, install it on the Arduino Uno board.

You are done with the Arduino software.

4. Now, connect the plotter you have made as hardware to your computer by cable.

5. Install the InkScape program on your computer.

6. Copy the Inkscape unicorn gcode extension to the extentions folder of the Inkscape program and

Open the program.

7. Create a sample 4 cm x 4cm square area and import a picture into it or draw a picture

Save your created file from the Save a copy to section with makerBot Unicorn G-code (.gcode) format.

8. Open the Gcode Universal Sender program and connect to your Arduino UNO board.

9. If necessary, you can get help from this link for calibration according to the motor type you have used.

Motor step number, motor step rating, gear diameter and teeth can be important in many printers.

10. If your connection is ok, you can move your plotter motors in X-Y positions with the direction keys.

11. If everything is okay, call your gcode file from the Browse section of the Gcode Universal Sender program.

I will put 1 sample gcode file for you.

12. Center your Plotter to your starting point according to the size of the picture and reset all your X-Y-Z Axes.

13. You can now Send your file and print it ...

​Bahadır Ozgen Pen Up/Down Special system

Slide and circle track, Lock system I used only nails unaffected by vibrations.

Colored lines are drawn on with the Paint program. Line thickness is chosen as 5. 

No reduction has been made in the photo scale. The original scale is 1: 1. 

Pen selection is very important !!! 

You should also consider the precise and detailed drawings you will make.

The pen used for the plotter was chosen ULTRA GEL 0.5 mm for the best result. 

You have made many details up to this point.If the plotter is running, you've done it!

You Are Really Awesome !

You can view the detailed photos about the project from the link below!

I tried to write all the details, but if there are still missing places, you can write to me. I will help you as long as I have time.


Bahadır ÖZGEN
Electronic Robotic Coding Research and Development 1975 - ∞
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